Believe in your path

3 min readMay 31, 2021


Have a little faith and courage:)

1st June 2021

It’s almost midnight and I’m enjoying a glass of wine to end the day. Yes, I am low-key quite an alcoholic 🤫. It’s 1st June already and halfway through 2021. I thought it’s been long since I sat down to pen down my thoughts and pause to reflect, so I opened my laptop and hopped onto Medium.

I’ve been thinking about this conversation a lot recently. A question that one of my NUS friends asked me, “Are you applying for any internships this summer break?” I shook my head and said no.

Studying in such a competitive university filled with so many bright and driven students, it is the norm for students to rack up their resume with big brand name companies’ internships as much as possible, in hopes to get a prestigious full-time job offer after graduation. If I just ask around casually, chances are, most will tell you that they want to be a consultant, accountant, banker, etc.

“Why leh?” my friend continued.

So I replied, “I think I want to work on my own projects/businesses…”

The truth is I have always wanted to run a business since young. So after my O levels, despite scoring well and have the options to enter most of the JCs, I chose to study International Business at Ngee Ann Poly.

Starting a business has then become a goal that I tried to work towards.

In fact, I had many opportunities to participate in entrepreneurship programs while studying at NP which I’m super thankful for. I’ve been working on a tuition matching platform since my poly days. It started off as a project at first, but I work on it here and there whenever I could even after the module has ended, and managed to gain some traction/revenue.

But back to the important question asked.

Why? Why not just go for internships or full-time job? Why do I even want to start a business?

I try to avoid answering this question whenever someone asks me. “Act blur, live longer.” This statement holds true and how I always siam being in a tough spot 😊. If I have to, I’d just come up with some politically right answers.

But deep down, I don’t know yet. Is it to be wealthy? Famous? Make a difference and impact? What exactly is my purpose here? If I wanted to be rich, then why not just study a bit harder and get a high-salary job? It will be an easier and stable route, right?

So I’ve been feeling a bit lost and doubtful about what I’m doing and the decisions I’ve made over the past few years. Am I good enough to run a business? Is this what my life path is set out to be? Or maybe I’m just brain-washed by people and social media into entrepreneurship LOL.

I’m still figuring out what my life path and purpose are. Meanwhile, let’s just have a little faith and courage. Everything will be okay:)

xoxo, goodnight!

